The Rapture
 The Word "RAPTURE" Is Biblical
The doctrine of the rapture is unquestionable a Biblical doctrine. The objection is often heard, however, that the term "rapture" is not a Biblical term. While it is true that the spelling r-a-p-t-u-r-e is not found in any of the current English translations, this fact does not logically lead to the conclusion that the term "rapture" is un-Biblical.
Since the New Testament was originally written in Greek, one could technically maintain that no English word is in the Bible, not even "God." But, of course, we realize that when the Greek is translated into English equivalents, the English words are Biblical. The meaning of words used in the Greek New Testament is the essential point in determining whether or not terms used in English translations are Biblical terms. If the English terms correctly express to us the meaning of the words used in the Greek text, then the English terms are Biblical. The essential point is not which of several English synonyms is selected to convey the meaning of a Greek term, it is whether or not the true significance of the Greek term has been carried over into English.
It is misleading for an anti-rapturist to say that the word "rapture" is not found in the Bible. This statement implies that the term is foreign to the Bible itself, which it is not. It also leads to the wrong conclusion that the doctrine itself is not Biblical, since the term is entirely foreign to the Word of God. The truth is that the term "rapture" is only absent from English translations, not from all versions in every language. The Latin Vulgate, for example, has the term rapere (the Latin word for "rapture") or one of its forms in many places.
The fundamental weakness in the anti-rapture position is that it does not only oppose the term "rapture," but also the very concept of the rapture. Anti-rapturists are not saying, "The term 'rapture' is un-Biblical, let's use a different synonym, such as 'catch up'." What they are saying is that the concept itself is not Biblical, and they are using the fact that "rapture" is not in their English translations as proof that the concept is not there either. But this argument against the rapture is contrary to the facts.
The Greek New Testament clearly contains both the terminology and the concept of the rapture by the use of the word harpazo, a verb meaning "to snatch or catch away." Harpazo denotes the idea of force suddenly exercised, and is often used in the context of an emergency where life or death consequences are the result of a quick snatching away. In two of its thirteen occurrences in the New Testament, harpazo clearly signifies "rapture," that is, an instantaneous bodily translation of saints from earth to heaven:
1 Th. 4:17, "...we which are alive shall be caught up (harpazo)."
Rev. 12:5, "...her child was caught up (harpazo) unto God."
Three other Scriptures use harpazo in a context significant to the doctrine of the rapture, although not in direct reference to it.
Acts 8:39, "...the spirit of the Lord caught away (harpazo) Philip."
2 Cor. 12:2, "...such as one caught up (harpazo) to the third heaven."
2 Cor.12:4, "...that he was caught up (harpazo) into paradise."
Therefore, the allegation that the concept of the rapture is foreign to the Bible has no basis in fact. Furthermore, the use of the Greek term harpazo in rapture contexts unquestionably establishes even the terminology of the rapture as Biblically-based.
When the Greek harpazo is translated into English equivalents, the English words are just as Biblical as the original word harpazo, provided they retain the meaning of the Greek term. The essential point is not which of several English synonyms is selected to convey the meaning of harpazo, it is whether or not the true significance of the Greek term has been carried over into English. If the English word "rapture" correctly expresses to us the meaning of the term harpazo, then "rapture" is unquestionably a Biblical term.
The English verb "rapture" is a compound of two English terms, "rapt" and "ure." According to Webster's New World dictionary of the American Language, "rapt" means (1) carried away in body or spirit, (2) carried away with joy, (3) completely engrossed, and "ure" is a suffix meaning act, or the result of an action. (1) The definition given for "rapture" is (1) the state of being carried away with joy, love, etc., (2) an expression of great joy, pleasure, (3) a carrying away or being carried away in body or spirit. (2) The concept of being carried away in body or spirit is definitely Scriptural, and is conveyed in the verses cited above which use the term harpazo. In this sense, even the English term "rapture" is Biblical, because it expresses the Biblical concept of being carried away in body or spirit. In short, "rapture" is an English term that carries the meaning of the Greek word harpazo and of certain contexts where harpazo is used. Because the English word "rapture" correctly expresses to us the meaning of harpazo, and the Biblical concept of being carried away in body or spirit, the term "rapture" is unquestionably a Biblical term.
Etymologically, the English term "rapture" is related to the Greek harpazo through the Latin verb rapere. "Rapture" is derived from the Latin raptus, the past participle of the infinitive verb rapere which means to seize or to snatch by force. According to Cassell's Latin Dictionary, RAP ( the stem of rapere and raptus) and ARP (the stem of harpazo) are cognates of a common stem. (3) The Latin Vulgate uses various conjugations of rapere, such as raptum and raptus, to render the Greek harpazo. Therefore, the root word of our English "rapture" is found in may places in the Latin Bible! This is positive proof that not only is the concept of "rapture" Biblical, but that the term itself expresses the meaning of harpazo and its contexts, and its Latin and Greek equivalents appear in the Bible numerous times.
It must be admitted that r-a-p-t-u-r-e does not occur in any of our current English translations. This word, however, is synonymous with words that are used, and it expresses a Biblical concept. English translators have opted for "caught up," "snatch," "take," or other synonyms as the English equivalent of the Greek harpazo. They could have rendered harpazo as "rapture," as did the Latin Vulgate. But again, the essential point is not which English synonym best expresses the meaning of the Greek harpazo, it is whether or not the Biblical concept of harpazo is accurately conveyed by the English terms chosen. The word "rapture" would accomplish this, for it means to be carried away in body or spirit, and thus it would express the meaning of harpazo and its contexts. In the contexts which refer to the rapture, the Greek has harpazo, the Latin has rapere, and the English could read "rapture."
Following is a three column list showing the Greek, Latin, and English readings in the thirteen passages which use the term harpazo. This list is particularly valuable to show the Latin word for "rapture" is used repeatedly in the Bible, and thus refute the anti-rapture allegation that the term "rapture" is not a Biblical term.
B.F. Westcott and Biblia Sacra Vulgatae King James Version,
F.J.A. Hort, The New Editionis (Rome, Catholic The New Chain-Refer-
Testament in the Original Book Agency--Milwaukee ence Bible (Indianapolis,
Greek (London, Macmillan Bruce, 1955). B.B. Kirkbride Bible
& Co., Ltd., 1901). Co., Inc., 1964).
Greek Latin English
Matt. 11:12 harpazousin rapiunt take by force
Matt. 13:19 harpazei rapit catcheth away
John 6:15 harpazein raperent taken by force
John 10:12 harpazei rapit catcheth
John 10:28 harpasei rapiet pluck
John 10:29 harpazein rapere to pluck
Acts 8:39 herpasen rapuit caught away
Acts 23:10 harpasai rapere to take by force
2 Cor. 12:2 harpagenta raptum caught up
2 Cor. 12:4 herpage raptus was caught up
1 Th. 4:17 harpagesometha rapiemur shall be caught up
Jude 23 harpazontes rapientes pulling
Rev. 12:5 herpasthe raptus was caught up
(1) Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (New York, The World Publishing Company, 1970), pp. 1177, 1562.
(2) Ibid., p. 1177.
(3) Cassell's Latin Dictionary (New York, Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1959), p. 467.
 The Rapture
The Rapture: 1 Thess. 4:15-17 "Rapture"--a definition as we have already seen is "harpazo" i.e., "caught up, and atomos, i.e., "in a moment" (1 Cor. 15:52). The literal, bodily rapture from earth to heaven of the dead in Christ from both old and new covenants (who are resurrected, changed, and translated) and those believers alive at the rapture (who are changed and translated), which occurs prior to the tribulation. (Phil.3:21; 1 John 3:2; Rev.3:10;12:5).
1.) The Importance of the Rapture
* To protect you from deception (Matt. 24:3-5,24,25).
* To prepare us for the coming events (Rev.19:7).
* To know what to do if you miss it.
* To help us go in the Rapture, believing in it may determine who goes (Heb.11:5).
* To satisfy our curiosity of the last days.
* To make us more knowledgeable Christians (1 Peter 3:15).
* To motivate us.
* To challenge us.
2.) God Wants Us to Watch
Matt. 24:41,42;25:10-13;Luke 12:36,37;21:36;Phil.3:20; 1 Thess.5:4-6;Titus 2:13;
Heb.9:28; 2 Peter 3:12-14;Rev.3:3;16:15.
According to these scriptures, we are to watch and not be sleeping.
3.) The Church is Not to be Ignorant
5 things the church is not to be ignorant of
* Israel still has a role to fulfill in Prophecy (Rom.11:25).
* O.T. is valid for typology (1 Cor.10:1).
* The Spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:1).
* The Rapture (1 Thess. 4:13).
* The day of the Lord theory (2 Peter 3:8).
4.) Scriptures That Deal With Things to Look For
A.) Titus 2:1-13
* Titus 2:1, Those speaking sound doctrine.
* Looking for that blessed hope vs. 12,13; Hebrews 9:28--This presupposes that we can be looking for when he will come.
B.) 1 Thess. 5:1-10
* Verse 1 "Ye"--brethren, talking to Christians. The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night to them that say peace and safety, etc...Daniel 8:25.
Notice: v. 3 "They"--they shall not escape--but v. 4 "Ye" are not of darkness "brethren"--So he comes as a thief in the night to the unbeliever.
There will be signs to let you know--seasons = a point of time that characterizes a special event.
All the way through this passage God is making a contrast between Christians and the unbeliever, so we do have a responsibility to know the times and seasons. If you don't watch, I will come as a thief in the night.
C.) Luke 21:27-36, Must stay spiritually awake and pray always.
* When these things begin "look up" (Greek) ANAKUPTO = to lift oneself up, to be elated, to raise the spirits, to make happy.
* Verse 36, "Watch" (Greek) AGRUPNEO = to chase away sleep. "Accounted worthy" (Greek) KATASCHUO = to gain sufficient strength.
* These things must be done to escape (Greek) EKPHEUGO = to escape out from--all the things describe in the previous verses, e.g., the Tribulation. He will appear to those who watch and pray. Shake sleep so you can be counted worthy to escape those things that shall come to pass and stand before the son of man.
(Gr.) " Be keeping sleepless but in all appointed time supplicating in order that you might be strong to flee out of these all the (things) being about to be occurring, and to stand in front of the son of man. "
1 Jn.3:2,3 " Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this HOPE IN HIM PURIFIETH HIMSELF, EVEN AS HE IS PURE. "
Phil.3:21 " Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. "
Col.3:2 " Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. v.3 For ye are DEAD, and your life is HID W/ CHRIST IN GOD. "
1 Cor.15:50 " Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. "
So we need to be keeping sleepless and supplicating in order that we might be STRONG TO FLEE OUT OF ALL THINGS BEING ABOUT TO OCCUR., being not intoxicated and weight down with the cares of this life, but purify yourself and be hid with Christ in GOD.
5.) There Are 12 Keys That Unlock Rapture Theology
1. Time key-- a word that indicates when events occur. (i.e.) Luke 21:28 when, begin, then, etc...
2. Pronoun key-- a word that indicates who is involved. (i.e.) 1 Thess.5:1-5 you, they, them. To whom was the passage written.
3. Context key-- the main idea in the passage of prophecy. Any ideas you find in the context. (i.e.) 1 Thess.4:13-17 words and ideas and parallels.
4. Term key.-- a word or phrase that separates the Rapture from the Second Coming. A word that affects or pertains to the Rapture. (i.e.) Escape, caught up, Rev.12:5. 2 Thess.2:1 By the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him.
5. Purpose key-- a word or phrase that shows the reason a passage was written. Why? (i.e.) Zec.14:3 to fight against those nations (14:2).
6. Impact key-- a portion of scripture that shows the result upon people involved in a prophetic event. Is there joy, sorrow, tribulation, etc.. (i.e.) 2 Thess.2:8 The Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
7. Event key-- a passage that indicates the succeeding events after the Rapture or Second Coming. (i.e.) Rev.12:5,6 v.5 Rapture v.6 the Tribulation for a 1,260 days.
8. Location key-- indicates where the participants are. (i.e.) Zec.14:3,4.
9. Motion key-- a word that indicates any motion in a passage of prophecy. (i.e.) Is Christ coming down, or are saints going up, 1 Thess.4:17. Zec.14:5, The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.
10. Sequence key-- any sequence of events surrounding the Rapture or Second Coming. (i.e.) Rev.12:3-6, v.3 World Government, v.4 The falling away, v.5 The Rapture, v.6 The Tribulation. Are there more than just one event? Is it before, or right after the event?
11. Precedent key-- a fact that establishes a pattern for a prophetic event. (i.e.) 2 Kings 2:11, Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
12. Typological key-- something historical that points to a prophetic event in the future. Any Rapture type-- this only helps fill in the picture and helps support, it doesn't prove a doctrine. (i.e.) Jos.3:3, Then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. The ark of the covenant (Christ) crossed Jordan about 2000 cubits (2000 years) ahead of the Israelites (manchild) who crossed the river on dry ground.
6.) Will All Christians Go in The Rapture?
The issue--will all Christians or only a portion of them be Raptured? The following are the two position:
* Salvation is the requirement. All born again Christians will go (total).
* More than salvation is required. Only those born again Christians meeting these requirements will go (partial).
Revelation 12--a key to understanding the Rapture
1.) Understanding the symbols [note: 1.) A "wonder" (12:1,3) is semeion in the Greek, lit., a "sign." A sign is something material or external that stands for something spiritual (see 1:1). 2.) The book is not written chronologically.]
A.) The "woman" is the church of Jesus Christ for the following reasons
* Being "clothed with the sun" is the righteousness of Christ about the church.
* Having "the moon under her feet" is the church standing upon the Old Testament as a foundation, yet she is above and beyond it.
* Having "upon her head a crown of twelve stars" is God's government over the church.
B.) The "great red dragon" is the last-day antichrist world government for the following reasons
* Six of the "7 heads" represent world empires past (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome) which culminate in the one yet to come (Rev. 17:9,10).
* The "10 horns" represent internationalists ruling out of sight of the public eye (Rev. 17:11,12--receive power as kings, but have no kingdom as yet).
* Having "7 crowns upon his heads" show that this world government is coronated, i.e., in full power and operation.
C.) The manchild is a group of committed, mature Christians (an invisible church) within the woman (the universal, visible church) for the following reasons
* A company of people is described in Isaiah 66:8-- "things," "a nation...born at once," and "Zion" (the church) bringing "forth her children" are terms which describe a group rather than a single person.
* Not just a child, but a "man," showing the maturity of this group.
* "Caught up"--harpazo, lit., "to be snatched away"--is used in reference to the Rapture of the saints (1 Thess. 4:17).
Interpreting the difference between the woman and the manchild
* Are both the manchild and the woman caught up (vs. 5,6)? .
* How long is the woman in the wilderness (v 6)? . Is this the same time period as the great tribulation (11:2-3,7,11;13:5)? .
* Are there saints in the tribulation (11:3,4;13:5-7)? . If so, could these saints be the woman that flees into the wilderness since it parallels both the time period (11:2,3;12:6;13:5) and the persecution of the dragon that these face (11:7;12:13 17;13:7,15) ? .
* Will saints escape the great tribulation (Luke 21:36; Rev.3:10)? . If so, could these be the manchild that is caught up to God before the woman flees into the wilderness for three-and-a-half years (12:5,6)? .
* Must we conclude that some Christians will go through the tribulation while others escape by being Raptured? .
Matt. 24:38-41-- The "coming of the son of man" refers to the Rapture. Not all who are saved will go
* "Coming" is parousia in the Greek and it means "presence"--1 Thess.4:15.
* Likened to Noah escaping the flood while others left (type of the rapture).
* Some who perished in the flood were saved: Luke 16:19-31--a righteous and unrighteous part of hades (also called hades 23:43). 1 Peter 3:18-23-- Jesus preached to righteous half, some which perished in the flood. Eph.4:8-10-- Jesus took to heaven and therefore were saved.
* As type of rapture, this shows some saved and yet won't go in the Rapture.
* In reference to rapture, Jesus says, "two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" Matt.24:40. "Shall be taken" is paralamanetai in the Greek and it means "to be taken along side for self interest" referring to the rapture (1 Thess.4:16).
Revelation 13:7-15-- Saints killed by the Antichrist world government in the great tribulation, while rapture occurs before the great tribulation
* Rev.3:10-- saints escape the tribulation by being raptured. "Keep thee from" is "tereso ek" and means "to be preserved out of." The temptation comes upon the whole earth, so these Christians must leave the earth, i.e., be raptured.
Rev.17:12 "The hour" is when the ten kings receive power with the beast, i.e., the great tribulation (Rev.13:1).
* See two groups of saints: One raptured before the tribulation, one killed in the tribulation.
* Christians in the tribulation, though miss the rapture and are killed, still have salvation.
Rev.6:9-11-- saints martyred in the tribulation are in heaven awaiting brethren who must also die. Clothed in white, they are saved.
Phil. 3:11 -- Paul sought to attain "unto the resurrection of the dead," which not all Christians who have died will attain
* Exanastasis ek in the Greek means "the out-resurrection out from among" the dead.
* Paul's soul and spirit are in the righteous part of the dead.
* Seeking to be resurrected shows that not all the righteous dead will be resurrected at the rapture to which Paul here refers (the same the "dead in Christ-- 1 Thess.4:16,17).
7.) One's Eternal Position and The Rewards He Receives Are Based Upon His Works
1 Cor.15:41,42-- the saints will have differing positions in heaven
* Stars represent saints (Dan.12:3).
* Differing glory of stars (i.e., the positions they hold) is likened to the resurrection of saints.
* 1 Cor.15:21-23 show an "order" in the resurrection.
Matt. 25:41,42-- responsibilities in eternity will depend on works
* The context describes the time Jesus Christ is coming-- from the rapture to the final judgment.
* In each case one's eternal position was based upon what he did with what was entrusted to him (Luke 19:12-27).
2 Cor.5:9,10-- Paul labored for the gospel because Christ, his Master, would judge him according to his works.
1 Cor. 3:10-- rewards will be given for works which withstand God's judgment
* Building with "wood, hay, and stubble" will not produce a reward as will building with "gold, silver, and precious stones" (verse 12).
* The quality of a Christian's work will be recognized and recompensed by God (verse 13).
* Salvation is different than rewards but still be saved (verse 15).
* Yet the unrewarded will be saved through fire (the same as the Laodecians, Rev.3:15-18).
8.) Being Raptured is Based Upon Meeting Certain Conditions
Rev. 3:10-- Must keep God's Word
* A prophecy to a church age at the end of time: Christians will be "tereso ek", literally, "preserved out of" the hour of temptation (the great tribulation) because they kept the "word of (Christ's) patience."
* "Patience" is hupomone which means "to abide under" or "to endure," showing Christians keeping God's Word concerning Christ's spiritual endurance is the reason for their Rapture.
* The hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world has never yet happened.
Luke 21:36-- Must stay spiritually awake and pray always
* "Watch" is agrupneo and means "to chase away sleep." "Accounted worthy" is kataschuo and means "to gain sufficient strength."
* These things must be done "to escape"-- ekpheugo-- literally, "to escape out from" all the things described in the previous verses, e.g., the tribulation.
Rev. 12:10-- Must overcome by certain things
* In this picture of the Raptured saints it says they overcome the devil and experience God's presence and His kingdom by "the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death."
Matt. 24:38-43/Heb.11:7-- Fear God's warning of coming judgment
* As a type of those Raptured, Noah was not swept away in judgment as those who "knew not" (verse 39), but rather heeded God's warning of an unseen calamity and therefore escaped.
* Some Christians today are building a spiritual "ark" (Eph.2:19-22).
* 2 Peter 3:3-7,9 Liken the flood to the fire for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men, but also shows God is slow in executing it that Christians might be saved even though it will be through great tribulation.
* The saved ones who died in the flood were only "sometime disobedient"-- apeithia-- literally, "unpersuadable" not wanting to change their lifestyle to live in accordance with God's warning, i.e., work on the ark and prepare for something they had never seen (world judgment). They fell only because God waited so long in bringing the flood.
Heb.11:5,6-- Must exercise faith in God's Word
* Enoch was Raptured by "faith"-- pistis, literally, "to be fully persuaded so as to put confidence and trust in and to live accordingly."
* One cannot please God without faith because what He called him to is impossible on his own.
* Yet faith must have works (James 2:20-24).
Heb. 9:28-- Must be eagerly awaiting His appearing
* The Rapture will put a Christian in a higher position and with greater rewards than if he is not Raptured.
Rev. 12:10-12/Matt. 25:1-13-- Some Christians are in heaven before the unraptured saints, representing the Bride rather than the guests
* They receive the experience of their salvation and the presence of God's kingdom (Rev.12:10) while tribulation saints flee to the wilderness to face the Antichrist (12:14,15).
* They rule with a rod of iron-- a position of authority with Jesus Christ given to overcomers (Rev.2:26,27).
* They return with Christ at his Second Coming (Rev.19:14,15; Jude 14).
* Were the ones crying (as the Bride) while other virgins slept. They were watchful and obedient while the virgins were careless (five did not even make it in the heavenly wedding feast, i.e., they lost their eternal life-- Matt.25:10,11).
* It clearly is not enough just to be born again (Matt. 7:21-23; 2 Peter 2:19-22).
Review Of Some Different Aspects Of The Rapture and Some Scriptures That Prove and Support Each Aspect
Now the Rapture is Pretribulational ( The Rapture occurs before the seven-year period of tribulation and plagues.)
Some Supporting Scriptures
We see in Rev.12:1-14 that the manchild is caught up before the 1260-day persecution of the woman that brought forth the manchild. Rev.3:10 we see that the Philadelphia church escapes the worldwide hour of trial (see Rev.17:12), whereas the Laodicean church remains to go through this hour of trial. In Luke 21:28, we see the redemption (of the physical body at the Rapture, Rom.8:23) is drawing nigh when certain events begin to occur. Luke 21:36 we see that we shall escape all these things, not half of these things (midtribulation Rapture) or none of these things (posttribulation Rapture). In 2 Thess.2:7,8, he (manchild) is suddenly taken out of the midst, and then the Antichrist is revealed to rule in the Tribulation. Matt.24:37-39 we shall escape the worldwide trial like Noah by being lifted up and carried away. In 2 Peter 3:4, we see that world conditions are relatively unchanged before the Rapture, so the Rapture cannot occur after the Antichrist, Tribulation, plagues, wrath of God, and Armageddon.
1 Thess.5:9 says God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation.
The Rapture is Partial (Only matured believers are raptured (the bride), but other believers remain to be martyred in the Great Tribulation that is to come upon the whole world.)
Some Supporting Scriptures
In Rev.12:1-14, we see that the manchild is raptured, but the woman is not raptured. Matt.24:40,41 One is taken, and the other is left to die (in the Tribulation) as in the flood. The parallel is that some who died in flood were saved but not taken ( 1 Peter 3:19,20). In Luke 21:34-36, we see that believers must meet certain conditions to escape. Phil.3:10-15 we see that Paul wanted to be resurrected out from among the righteous dead-- all believers are not raised at the same time
( 1 Cor.15:23; Matt.27:52,53; Rev.20:6). In Rev.3:10,14-22, we that the Philadelphia church is raptured because they meet the conditions listed, but the Laodicea church is left. Thus, some of the church is not raptured. Heb.11:5 The rapture of Enoch is proof that a literal, partial Rapture is possible. We see in Heb.11:35 that there is a better resurrection, with differences even among believers. Rev.13:7 The pretribulation Rapture is true, but there are saints in the Great Tribulation, a fact best explained by the partial Rapture. The bride of Christ is distinct from the guests at the wedding (Song of Sol.2:10-13; 6:8-13; Matt.22:10; Rev.19:7-9). The bride makes herself ready (Eph.5:27; Rev.19:7).
The Rapture is Secret (The Rapture is visible and audible for those taken, but not for everyone on earth.)
Some Supporting Scriptures
1 Cor.15:52 The Rapture is instantaneous, thus invisible, being too quick to see. In a moment (atomos), in the twinkling of an eye. Atomos means "indivisible," from a, negative, and temno, "to cut." The instantaneous, invisible translation of saints from earth to meet the Lord in the air forever to be with him in new, incorruptible glorified bodies. It happens to fast to see with the naked eye. In the twinkling of an eye. We see in Col.3:4 that when he appears, we appear instantaneously with him. We will immediately be in glory with him. Appear (phaneroo) signifies "to be manifested," which denotes more than a mere appearing. In 1 Thess.4:16, we see that everyone does not necessarily discern the sounds and appearance of the Lord ( John 12:28,29; Acts 22:7-9). In Heb.9:28, he shall appear to those who look for him, not to everyone. Appear (optomai) means "to be seen, to appear," and refers to the fact that Jesus will allow Himself to be seen by those whom He Raptures. In 1 John 3:2, when he appears, we, not everyone, shall see him.
The Rapture is Not Imminent (Certain prophecies must be fulfilled before the Rapture can occur. It is not likely to happen at any moment as so many teach.)
Some Supporting Scriptures
In Eze.37:1-10, we see that the dry bones (of the church) must come together and become an army. Joel 2:23 says the former and latter rain must come. In Isa.52:6-8, God's people must know His name and see eye to eye. Matt.24:14 says that the church must preach the Gospel to all nations for a witness. Luke 21:28-31 says that the church must be bowed over and see certain signs. Acts 3:21 says Christ cannot descend from heaven until the restoration of all things, and then He will come ( 1 Thess.4:16). In Eph.4:3,13, the church must come into the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith. Eph.5:25-27 says that the church must make herself ready as a spotless bride (Rev.19:7). 2 Thess.2:1-3 says that the apostasy must occur, and the first revealing of the Antichrist must occur (second revealing 2 Thess.2:8). Rev.12:1-5 says that world government must first be established (crown on the seventh head). Rev.12:5 says that the church must attain the maturity of the manchild (a perfect man, Eph.4:11-13). For more details on this, see the study on Prophetic Events.
Man child (invisible company of mature, perfected believers within the visible church that come out of the visible church to do the Father's work and bring in the long awaited harvest)
Some Supporting Scriptures
Isa.26:17-21 says as a woman with child, we have only brought forth wind, not deliverance. In Isa.66:5-9, she was delivered of a manchild, called a nation and Zion's children. Jer.31:22 says the LORD has created a new thing; a woman shall compass a man. John 16:21 says that the woman in travail has sorrow until she is delivered of the child. Eph.4:13 says that until we (plural, saints) all come unto a perfect man (singular, manchild). In Rev.12:1-6, we see that the manchild was caught up toward God and His throne. (For more details on the manchild, see the study on Prophetic Events)
List: Rapture proof texts and supporting texts
The following is a list of Rapture texts in the Bible. The passages are divided into proof texts and supporting texts. Following each reference is a brief statement indicating which aspect (s) of the Rapture can be proved or supported by that passage.
Rapture Proof Texts
1. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18-- Literal Rapture.
2. Revelation 12:1-14-- Pretribulation, partial, non-imminent Rapture.
3. Revelation 3:10-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
4. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8-- Pretribulation, non-imminent Rapture.
5. 1 Corinthians 15:51,52-- Secret Rapture.
6. Matthew 24:36-41-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
7. Luke 21:28-36-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
8. Philippians 3:10-15-- Partial Rapture.
9. Hebrews 11:5-- Literal, partial Rapture.
Rapture Supporting Texts
1. Genesis 5:24-- Literal, partial Rapture.
2. 2 Kings 2:11-- Literal, partial Rapture.
3. Psalm 27:5-- Pretribulation Rapture.
4. Psalm 31:20-- Pretribulation Rapture.
5. Psalm 68:9-20-- Partial Rapture.
6. Psalm 74:19-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
7. Song 2:10-14-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
8. Song 6:8-13-- Partial Rapture.
9. Isaiah 26:20-- Pretribulation Rapture.
10. Isaiah 66:5-9-- Partial Rapture.
11. Matthew 25:1-13-- Partial Rapture.
12. Mark 13:28-37-- Partial rapture.
13. Luke 17:34-36-- Partial Rapture.
14. John 14:1-3--Pretribulation Rapture.
15. John 16:20-23-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
16. Acts 1:9-11-- Literal, partial Rapture.
17. Acts 3:21-- Non-imminent Rapture.
18. Acts 8:39-- Literal, partial Rapture.
19. 1 Corinthians 1:7,8-- Partial Rapture.
20. 1 Corinthians 15:22,23-- Partial Rapture.
21. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4-- Literal, partial Rapture.
22. Ephesians 4:8-10-- Partial Rapture.
23. Colossians 3:4-- Secret Rapture.
24. 1 Thessalonians 2:19-- Secret Rapture.
25. 1 Thessalonians 3:13-- Partial Rapture.
26. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11-- Non-imminent Rapture.
27. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-- Partial Rapture.
28. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-- Partial Rapture.
29. 1 Timothy 6:14-- Partial Rapture.
30. 2 Timothy 4:1-- Partial Rapture.
31. 2 Timothy 4:8-- Partial Rapture.
32. Titus 2:13-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
33. Hebrews 9:28-- Partial, secret Rapture.
34. Hebrews 11:35-- Partial Rapture.
35. James 5:7,8-- Pretribulation, partial, non-imminent Rapture.
36. 1 Peter 1:7-- Partial Rapture.
37. 1 Peter 1:13-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
38. 1 Peter 4:13-- Pretribulation, partial Rapture.
39. 2 Peter 3:4-- Pretribulation Rapture.
40. 1 John 2:28-- Partial Rapture.
41. 1 John 3:2-- Secret Rapture.
42. Jude 14-- Pretribulation Rapture.
43. Revelation 3:14-22-- Partial Rapture.
44. Revelation 19:7-9-- Partial Rapture.
45. Revelation 19:11-16-- Pretribulation Rapture.
46. Revelation 20:4-6-- Partial Rapture.
 Types Of The Rapture
This is a list of Rapture types from the Old and New Testaments. These are "proposed" types and are only offered for your consideration.
Old Testament Types
1. Gen. 1:26. God created man (manchild) in the sixth day (sixth 1000-year period).
2. Gen. 2:7-8. God formed man (manchild) on the sixth day (sixth 1000-year period) and put him into a garden paradise (heaven).
3. Gen. 2:22. The LORD brought the woman to the man.
4. Gen. 5:23-24. Enoch (manchild) was raptured, but other righteous men remained on earth (Heb.11:5-6). The "365" shows that the antitype would occur in the last days, not during the Old Testament, when they had 360-day years.
5. Gen. 5:25-26. Methuselah died and missed the flood, typifying the dead in Christ who miss the tribulation.
6. Gen. 6:9; 7:1,23. Noah, a perfect man who typifies the perfect manchild of Ephesians 4:13, was saved from death, but all other righteous people besides his family died in the flood (Matt. 24:37-41; 1 Pet. 3:20).
7. Gen. 7:9-10. Noah was taken into the ark seven days before judgment fell on the world (pretribulation Rapture is seven years before the Second Coming).
8. Gen. 12:1-3. God called Abraham to leave worldly Ur and his family who would not walk with God, and God promised to make of Abraham a great nation and take him to the promised land (Isa. 66:8).
9. Gen. 14:12-16. Abraham rescued Lot and his people from the evil kings (the Antichrist and the ten kings of Rev. 17:11-12).
10. Gen. 18:19. Abraham had advance revelation about the destruction of Sodom and escaped it.
11. Gen. 19:14. Lot (manchild) warned his loved ones before the angels took him out of Sodom. Those who rejected his message did not escape with him, but remained behind and died.
12. Gen. 19:17-22, 29. God delivered Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah before judgment fell from heaven (Luke 17:29-30).
13. Gen. 21:6; 22:11-14. Sarah (the church) in her old age (sixth church age) rejoiced when the promised male son (manchild) was born; Isaac's life was spared when an angel spoke from heaven (John 16:21; 1 Th. 4:16).
14. Gen. 24:55. Rachel's mother and brother (the church) tried to persuade Rachel (the bride) to stay for ten days (the tribulation, Rev. 2:10) and then go to the new land afterward (posttribulation Rapture).
15. Gen. 24:61-64. Rebekah came out of the land of Mesopotamia to become Isaac's bride.
16. Gen. 25:8. Abraham died and was gathered unto his people. Those who die in Christ will be gathered together with the living at the Rapture (1 Th. 4:16-17; 2 Th. 2:1).
17. Gen. 26:16-17. Isaac (manchild) became wealthy and powerful and departed from the land of Abimelech (Satan), because Abimelech did not want him there.
18. Gen. 29:27-30. Jacob (Christ) took Rachel as his bride before a seven-year period (the tribulation).
19. Gen. 35:1. Jacob (manchild) arose and went up to Bethel at the call of God.
20. Gen. 35:3. Jacob (manchild) called upon God and escaped death from Esau's vengeance.
21. Gen. 35:16-19. Rachel (the church) had hard labor and gave birth to Benjamin (manchild), after which she soon died.
22. Gen. 37:4. Jacob loved Joseph (manchild) more than all his brothers, and his brothers hated Joseph, but God exalted him and they were ashamed (Isa. 66:5).
23. Gen. 39:1. Joseph (manchild) escaped famine by being carried away.
24. Gen. 41:14,40-41. Joseph (manchild) was delivered hastily out of the dungeon to rule and reign at the king's right hand (Gen. 40:14).
25. Gen. 41:45. Joseph (Christ) was given a Gentile bride, who goes to his chambers before he reveals himself to his brothers (Israelites who recognize and accept Christ at the Second Coming).
26. Gen. 41:52. Joseph (manchild) was in the land of plenty for seven years while famine ravaged the earth.
27. Gen. 42:1-6. Joseph (manchild) was taken out of prison and reigned from the throne while his brothers were subjected to famine.
28. Gen. 45:3-5. When Joseph (Christ) revealed himself to his brothers (saints at the Rapture), they came to him and Joseph said God sent him ahead so he could preserve his brothers' lives.
29. Gen. 45:16-46:29. Joseph (Christ) sent wagons to bring all the children of Israel to preserve them until the famine (Tribulation) was over so that they could eventually return to Canaan to possess it (Second Coming).
30. Gen. 50:5,13. Jacob's sons took his dead body (the dead in Christ) out of Egypt and buried it in Canaan.
31. Exo. 1:7-11. After Joseph disappeared from the picture in Egypt (his absence represents the Rapture), the new world government persecutes his brothers (Tribulation saints).
32. Exo. 2:2-3,10. The male child Moses (manchild) was saved from death by being hidden in an ark and drawn out of water (peoples), but other Hebrew baby boys were slain.
33. Exo. 2:15. Moses (manchild) escaped from Egypt and Pharaoh, who sought to slay him (Heb. 11:27).
34. Exo. 6:7-8. God promised Israel a departure from Egypt to be His people in a new land.
35. Exo. 8:22; 9:4,26. The Israelites (manchild) were spared when God poured out plagues upon the world government of Egypt.
36. Exo. 12:12-13. The Israelites who believed did not suffer death but overcame by the blood of the lamb (Rev. 12:5,11).
37. Exo. 12:29-31. Israel left Egypt after the firstborn of all the nation died (the Rapture follows the wound to the beast, Rev. 13:3).
38. Exo. 12:40-41. Israel (manchild) left the land of Egypt at the exodus (Exo. 3:7-10; 6:6-8).
39. Exo. 13:19. Joseph's bones (the dead in Christ) were carried out of Egypt together with the living at the exodus (Gen. 50:24-26; Josh. 24:32; Heb. 11:22).
40. Exo. 14:29-30. Israel walked through the Red Sea on dry ground and escaped death at the hands of the Egyptian army.
41. Exo. 15:16-17. Moses sang that God would make Israel (manchild) pass over into Canaan and be brought into His sanctuary (heaven).
42. Exo. 19:2-3,20. Moses (manchild) went up Mount Sinai to be with God, but the other Israelites (Tribulation saints) stayed in the wilderness (Rev. 12:5-6).
43. Exo. 19:16-17. At the blowing of the trumpet, Moses (Christ) brought forth the people (manchild) out of the camp to meet with God.
44. Exo. 23:12. After escaping death at the exodus, Israel received the promise of the sabbath rest.
45. Exo. 24:12; 32:15. Moses (manchild) went up to the mountain of God (Rapture), was absent for a season, and then returned (Second Coming) to rule over Israel with the Word of God.
46. Exo. 24:18. Moses (manchild) was taken up to the mount with God, but the other Israelites were tested during his absence.
47. Exo. 33:12-34:5. Moses (manchild) desired to see God's glory, and he went up to the mount and met God in the cleft of the rock.
48. Lev. 12:2. After the woman bears the manchild, she becomes unclean for seven days. Remaining in her blood represents martyrdom during the seven-year tribulation.
49. Lev. 12:3. A man child (manchild) must be circumcised (flesh cut away) on the eighth day (new beginnings).
50. Lev. 16:2. Aaron, the high priest, entered the Holy of holies, while the rest of the priests and Israel were in the wilderness.
51. Lev. 25:8-13. The year of jubilee represents the Rapture because during that year the Israelites rested and returned every man to his possession.
52. Num. 10:2,10. The Israelites blew trumpets to call the assembly and signal the journeying of camps (1 Th. 4:16).
53. Num. 14:22-24; 26:64. Joshua and Caleb (manchild) made it into Canaan alive, but all who refused to believe died.
54. Num. 32:1-5. The tribes of Reuben and Gad (Tribulation saints) did not cross Jordan with the rest of Israel (manchild) to enter the Promised Land.
55. Num. 35:9-12. The manslayer (manchild) could escape the avenger (the devil) and flee to a city of refuge (heaven).
56. Deut. 34:1-7. Moses was strong and had excellent vision at his death. Only those who are strong in the faith and have spiritual vision when they die will be resurrected at the Rapture to appear with Christ.
57. Josh. 2:21-24. The two men who spied out Jericho were hidden and escaped shortly before Jericho was destroyed. Their adversaries "found them not" (Gen. 5:24).
58. Josh. 3:1-4:18. Joshua (Jesus) led Israel (manchild) over Jordan to the Promised Land (heaven). The Israelites entered the Promised Land without being touched by the waters of Jordan (death), and then the waters returned and all those entering the Promised Land after them would have to ford the river.
59. Josh. 3:3-4, 14-17. The ark of the covenant (Christ) crossed Jordan about 2000 cubits (2000 years) ahead of the Israelites (manchild), who crossed the river on dry ground.
60. Josh. 6:22-25. Rahab (Bride) kept the word given to her by God's messengers and escaped to be with Joshua (Jesus) before Jericho suffered judgment.
61. Jdg. 3:15-26. Ehud (manchild) escaped out of Moab after slaying the king (beast) with a sword (Rev. 13:3).
62. Jdg. 6:34. At the sound of the trumpet, Abiezer and other men were gathered unto Gideon (Christ).
63. Jdg. 7:2-8. Following the Lord's directions, Gideon (Christ) chose 300 men (manchild), who later came with Gideon to deliver Israel from the Midianites (armies of the beast at the Second Coming).
64. Jdg. 9:5. By hiding himself, Jotham (manchild) escaped death at the hands of Abimelech (Antichrist), who slew many of his brethren.
65. Jdg. 16:30-31. Samson (manchild) delivered a death blow to the Philistines, loved not his life unto the death, and was taken up to the resting place of his father (Rev. 12:11).
66. Jdg. 21:19-23. The men of Benjamin (the Lord and His angels) will catch a wife of the daughters of Shiloh who dance.
67. Ruth 4:13. Boaz (Christ) took Ruth (Bride) to be his wife.
68. 1 Sam. 1:11,20-28. The barren Hannah (church) travailed to bring forth Samuel (manchild), who was then taken to the house of the Lord.
69. 1 Sam. 4:19-22. Eli's daughter-in-law (visible church) lamented that the ark of God (manchild) was taken, and she dies shortly afterward (Great Tribulation).
70. 1 Sam. 6:13. Those reaping the wheat harvest looked up and rejoiced to see the ark (Christ) coming.
71. 1 Sam. 19:10-12. David (manchild) escaped from Saul who sought to kill him, and David was later exalted to rule over Israel.
72. 1 Sam. 22:11-23. Abiathar the priest (manchild) escaped death and fled to David (Christ). Saul (Antichrist) slew the rest of the priests.
73. 1 Sam. 25:36-42. Abigail served Nabal (means "wicked" and represents the world), then Nabal died. David (Christ) communed with Abigail (Bride) and sent servants to get her. She went with them and became David's wife.
74. 1 Sam. 30:11-20. A servant of the Amalekites joined David (Christ) and escaped death. David later went down to the Amalekite camp (Second Coming) and smote them while they were eating and drinking (Mtt. 24:38).
75. 1 Sam. 30:18. David left his throne and rescued those whom he loved (David's two wives represent Old Testament and New Testament members of the Bride).
76. 2 Sam. 21:1-9. David (Christ) saved Mephibosheth (manchild) from death.
77. 2 Sam. 22:49. God saved David (manchild) from his enemies. He was lifted up high above them and was delivered from the violent man (Antichrist).
78. 2 Sam. 23:1. David (manchild) was raised up on high (Rapture).
79. 2 Sam. 29:1-11. David (manchild) did not participate when the enemies of God made war against the saints.
80. 2 Sam. 5:5-7. David (Christ) took the city of Zion (raptured saints) unto himself for his possession, and he ruled over it as his kingdom (Rev. 12:10).
81. 1 Ki. 2:19-24. Solomon (Christ) saved Abishag (Bride) from Adonijah (Antichrist) by having him slain with a sword.
82. 1 Ki. 10:1-13. The Queen of Sheba (Bride) went to Solomon (Christ) and was given her heart's desire.
83. 1 Ki. 12:32. Idolatrous Jeroboam changed the Feast of Tabernacles from the seventh month to the eighth month (representing posttribulationists who push off the Rapture ingathering by saying it occurs later than it actually does).
84. 1 Ki. 13:24. The young prophet missed going up to Jerusalem (Rapture) and was killed by a lion (Antichrist government in the tribulation, Rev. 13:2), because he did not obey God's Word.
85. 1 Ki. 17:3-5. Elijah (manchild) was hidden during the drought, being cared for by God.
86. 1 Ki. 18:4,12-13; 19:18. The prophets (manchild) were hidden in caves (raptured) while Jezebel persecuted God's people.
87. 1 Ki. 19:1-3. Ahab (Antichrist) and Jezebel (harlot church) sought Elijah's life (manchild), but Elijah escaped and went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
88. 2 Ki. 2:11. Elijah (manchild) was raptured, but other righteous men (Tribulation saints) were not.
89. 2 Ki. 2:14. Elisha (manchild) passed through the Jordan (death) without being touched by it.
90. 2 Ki. 2:23-25. Elisha (manchild) was mocked by young men (the unsaved). Elisha went to Mount Carmel (heaven), and the mockers were slain by Divine judgment.
91. 2 Ki. 8:1-6. The Shunammite woman (church) was protected during the seven-year famine (the Tribulation) and afterward experienced complete restoration.
92. 2 Ki. 11:1-21. Joash (manchild) was hidden in the bedchamber (heaven) for six years and saved from the massacre of the royal seed. He was brought forth in the seventh year (end of Tribulation) and began his reign.
93. 2 Ki. 19:31. Isaiah prophesied that a remnant (manchild) would escape out of Mount Zion (not all righteous are taken in the Rapture).
94. 2 Ki. 22:16-20. God promised righteous King Josiah (manchild) that he would not see the day of destruction that was coming upon his people.
95. 1 Chr. 4:9-10. Jabez (manchild), whose mother (visible church) bore him in sorrow, was more honorable than his brothers and was granted his request to be kept from evil.
96. 2 Chr. 9:1-12. The queen of Sheba (Bride) heard of Solomon's (Christ's) fame, came to him with a very great company (Rapture), and discovered that half of his glory had never been told.
97. 2 Chr. 15:9-10. Asa (Christ) gathered Judah, Benjamin, and others (Raptured saints) to Jerusalem (heaven).
98. 2 Chr. 20:1-30. Judah united, triumphed over the enemy, and went to the Temple to experience rest and the presence of God.
99. 2 Chr. 22:10-23:1. Joash (manchild) was hidden and saved from certain death when Athaliah destroyed all his brothers (Tribulation saints). Seven years later he ruled (Millennium).
100. 2 Chr. 30:1-12. The righteous among the tribes of northern Israel fled to Judah and escaped the Assyrian captivity (2 Chr. 15:8,10). Members of visible church join the manchild and escape death.
101. Ezra 1:3. Under King Cyrus many Jews left Babylon (end-time world system) and entered Canaan (partial Rapture), but others stayed (Tribulation).
102. Esth. 2:5-9. Esther (Bride) was brought to the king's house (Rapture), being loved more than all the other women (1:19).
103. Ezra 7:6-8. Ezra and some Israelites (manchild) left Babylon (end-time world system) and went up to Jerusalem (partial Rapture), but others stayed in Babylon.
104. Esth. 9:1. The righteousness of Mordecai (manchild) and the goodness and beauty of Esther (Bride) saved both from death and the wrath of the king.
105. Esth. 10:2. After escaping death, Mordecai (manchild) assumes a position of rulership.
106. Job 14:12-14. Job (manchild) prayed to be hidden until God's wrath was past, and said he was waiting for the day God changed him.
107. Job 19:25-27. Job (manchild) knows that he will see his Redeemer (Christ).
108. Job 29:17. Job (manchild) broke the jaws of the wicked (Antichrist) and plucked the spoil out of his teeth.
109. Psa. 12:5. The LORD will arise and set His people in safety from him that would ensnare them.
110. Psa. 17:8-15. God will hide the man after His own heart from the wicked (Antichrist, 2 Th. 2:8), delivering his soul, and he shall awake with God's likeness.
111. Psa. 18:16-19. David (manchild) was drawn out of many waters (people), delivered from his strong enemy (devil), and brought forth into a large place (heaven).
112. Psa. 27:5. David (manchild) prays to be hidden from the time of trouble.
113. Psa. 27:10. The LORD will take up saints (manchild) who are forsaken by their parents (churches who cast out manchild, Isa. 66:5).
114. Psa. 31:7-8,20. David (manchild) prayed to not be left to the hand of his enemies, but to be put in a large room, hidden from the pride and strife that was to come upon the world.
115. Psa. 45:14-17. The king's daughter (Bride) is brought into the palace, where she is adorned with fine apparel.
116. Psa. 50:5. God's people shall be gathered unto Him at the time of His coming.
117. Psa. 55:6-9. The psalmist (manchild) longs to have wings like a dove to fly away and be at rest.
118. Psa. 68:11-20. David speaks of Christ's ascension and attributes "escapes from death" (v. 20, NASB) to God.
119. Psa. 74:19. The soul of the turtledove (Bride) will not be delivered unto the wicked (Song Sol. 2:12).
120. Psa. 91:1-16. God will deliver the psalmist (manchild) from the snare of the fowler (the devil), pestilence, and destruction (plagues of the Tribulation).
121. Psa. 116:7-8. The Lord delivered the psalmist's (manchild) soul from death (dead in Christ resurrect at the Rapture).
122. Psa. 119:62. At midnight (the dark hour when the Rapture occurs) the psalmist (manchild) will rise to give thanks to God.
123. Psa. 124:7. The psalmist said that our soul is escaped as a bird (manchild) out of the snare of the fowlers (Antichrist and false prophet).
124. Psa. 144:7-10. David (manchild) prayed to be delivered from the waters of the coming flood (Rev. 12:15).
125. Pro. 11:8. After the righteous (manchild) are delivered, the wicked one (Antichrist) comes to earth in their stead.
126. Ecc. 7:26. The man (manchild) who pleases God (Heb. 11:5) will escape from the woman (harlot church) whose heart is snares and nets.
127. Song Sol. 2:10-14. Solomon came to take away the Shulamite after the rain had fallen and when the fig tree was budding.
128. Song Sol. 6:10-13. The Shulamite (Bride) was caught away while the virgins beheld her and were left behind.
129. Isa. 25:8-9. The Lord will swallow up death in victory (at the Rapture).
130. Isa. 26:19-21. The woman (Bride) has not brought forth her child (manchild), but God promises that the dead will be raised and He will hide His people from the brief period of indignation.
131. Isa. 27:13. The trumpet will be blown and many will be gathered to Jerusalem.
132. Isa. 38:1-22. Hezekiah (manchild) was sick unto death, but God delivered him from death and from invading Assyrians (Antichrist forces).
133. Isa. 40:31. They that wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles (be Raptured).
134. Isa. 49:9-10. The prisoners will go forth and find pastures in all high places (heaven), and neither the sun nor the heat (Great Tribulation) will smite them.
135. Isa. 49:24-25. The Lord promises to take away the prey (manchild) from the mighty (world government).
136. Isa. 52:1-3. Zion will awake and then arise from the dust of this earth to sit in the heavenlies, being redeemed without money.
137. Isa. 52:12. God will be our rear guard, which literally means He will gather us up (Hebrew).
138. Isa. 60:8-9,22. God identifies certain ones who fly as clouds and doves.
139. Isa. 66:5-9. The Lord will appear to the joy of some, but those who hate their brethren (opposite of Philadelphia) will be ashamed.
140. Jer. 3:14. God says that He will take one of a city and two of a family and bring them to Zion (heaven).
141. Jer. 36:26. The king (Antichrist) commanded his men to take Jeremiah and Baruch (manchild), but the Lord hid them (Rapture).
142. Jer. 38:7-13. Jeremiah (manchild) was lifted up out of the miry dungeon.
143. Jer. 39:16-18. The Lord promises to deliver Ebed-melech (manchild) on the eve of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
144. Jer. 42:11. Do not fear the king of Babylon (Antichrist), for God will deliver His people from him.
145. Jer. 43:6-7. Jeremiah (manchild) escaped the Babylonian captivity (tribulation) by being taken out of Jerusalem with a company of saints.
146. Jer. 46:19. God spoke to His people Egypt as a daughter and told them to furnish themselves "to be transported" (Hebrew).
147. Eze. 1:4-25; 10:19. The cherubim mount up from the earth and are taken out.
148. Eze. 3:11-14. The Spirit took up Ezekiel (manchild) while the rest of the Israelites remained in captivity.
149. Eze. 8:3-4. The Lord lifted up Ezekiel (manchild) between earth and heaven and brought him in the visions of God to Jerusalem (heaven).
150. Eze. 9:4-6. Those who were concerned over sin were marked and spared from death, but the rest of the saints were killed.
151. Eze. 12:3. God told Ezekiel to prepare himself to be removed to another place.
152. Eze. 33:21. The Babylonians surrounded Jerusalem to destroy it (2 Ki. 25:4), but a man (manchild) escaped.
153. Eze. 36:23-29. Israel (manchild) will be gathered out of all nations into Canaan (heaven) to fulfill God's promise unto them.
154. Eze. 37:1-14. The dry bones (saints) are connected, unite as a great army, and are brought into the Promised Land.
155. Dan. 3:14-20. The Jews refused to bow to the world system of Babylon. Daniel (manchild) escaped the burning fiery furnace while Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael (Tribulation saints) went trough it.
156. Dan. 5:30-6:3. Daniel (manchild) escaped the war that overthrew the ruler of Babylon, and the king of the new monarchy exalted him.
157. Dan. 6:16-28. God delivered Daniel (manchild) out of the lion's den (Rev.13:2) because he believed (v. 23).
158. Hos. 11:1. God called His son (manchild) out of Egypt (the world).
159. Hos. 13:14. God promises to deliver His people out of the grave and to give them power over death.
160. Joel 2:15-16. The children, people, and elders of Israel (manchild) are all gathered at the sound of the trumpet.
161. Joel 2:32. Those who call on the name of the Lord will be delivered (raptured) "for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape" (NASB).
162. Amos 3:11-12. As the shepherd rescues his sheep from the mouth of the lion (Rev. 13:2), so shall Israel (manchild) be rescued.
163. Amos 4:11. Israel (manchild) was like a firebrand plucked out of the burning (Tribulation).
164. Oba. 17. In Mount Zion there shall be those who escape the wrath of God upon the world (1 Th. 5:9).
165. Jon. 2:5-10. Jonah (manchild) was delivered out of sure death in stormy seas by being carried to safety and put on dry land.
166. Mic. 5:3. God will give up Israel until the time that she (visible church) who travails has brought forth (the manchild).
167. Mic. 7:1-2. Micah (Tribulation saints) lamented that the harvest was over, that the good man (manchild) was gone, and that there was none upright among men.
168. Zep. 2:1-3. God exhorts His people to seek righteousness before the Day of the LORD so that they may be hidden in that day (escape it by the Rapture).
169. Hag. 2:23. The Lord said he would take (rapture) his servant Zerubbabel (manchild).
170. Mal. 3:1. The LORD whom you seek shall suddenly come to His Temple (the church).
New Testament Types
1. Mtt. 1:13-15. Christ (manchild) escaped death at the hand of the world government of Rome, and the infants (spiritually immature Tribulation saints) were slain, and then Christ returned in fulfillment of prophecy after the government leaders who persecuted were judged.
2. Mtt. 3:11. Christ shall gather His wheat (manchild) into his garner.
3. Mtt. 13:24-30. The wheat (manchild) and the tares (unsaved) grew together until the harvest. The wheat was gathered into the man's barn (heaven) and the tares were burned (lake of fire).
4. Mtt. 14:22-33. Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught Peter (manchild) as he walked upon the water. The other disciples (Tribulation saints) were in the boat.
5. Mtt. 17:1. After six days (sixth one-thousand period) Jesus took his closest disciples up to a high mountain.
6. Mtt. 17:1-8. Moses represents the dead in Christ (because he died), and Elijah represents those who are alive and remain (because he was taken while alive). These two men appearing with the transfigured Christ represent the dead and the living who appear with the glorified Christ at the Rapture (2 Ki. 2:11; Deut. 34:5-7).
7. Mtt. 25:1-13. The Bride is the company of raptured saints. The five wise virgins with oil in their lamps are the Tribulation saints, and the five foolish virgins are Christians who backslide and who are lost.
8. Mtt. 27:52-53. Many were raised from the dead, came out of their graves, and appeared alive in Jerusalem. Presumably they were raptured later, so they represent the dead in Christ who resurrect and are caught up at the Rapture.
9. Luke 4:28-30. After Jesus (manchild) taught in the synagogue, God's people cast him out (Isa. 66:5), and He narrowly escaped death.
10. Luke 8:40. Jesus returned to those who were waiting and looking for Him.
11. Luke 21:21-22. Those Christians who watched the signs at the destruction of Jerusalem escaped with their lives, and the others left behind were killed.
12. John 6:20-21. The disciples met Jesus and were immediately taken to the other shore.
13. John 10:22-29. Jesus (manchild) declared to the Jews that He did His Father's work and that He and His Father were one. The Jews became so enraged that they tried to kill Him, but He escaped out of their hand.
14. John 11:43-44. Jesus cried unto Lazarus (the dead in Christ) to come forth, and Lazarus came forth.
15. Acts 1:9. Christ ascended bodily into heaven, probably taking those raised at His resurrection with Him (Mtt. 27:52-53; Eph. 4:8-9; 1 Pe. 3:19).
16. Acts 5:17-19. The apostles were bodily removed from the prison without being seen (secret Rapture).
17. Acts 7:55-60. Stephen, full of the Holy Ghost, saw the heavens opened and Jesus in heaven waiting to receive him.
18. Acts 8:39. Philip is instantly and bodily caught away from one location to another.
19. Acts 9:22-25. The wicked waited to kill Paul (Rev. 12:4), but he escaped death.
20. Acts 12:1-23. When the church faced persecution, Peter (manchild) miraculously escaped imprisonment and God subsequently judged the government of Herod (Antichrist).
21. Acts 23:20-21,27-30. Paul (manchild) escaped the death plot of his enemies.
22. 2 Cor. 12:2,4. Paul (manchild) was caught up to the third heaven.
23. 3 John 14. John (Christ) trusts that he will shortly see the well-beloved Gaius (manchild).
24. Jude 9. The devil argued over the body of Moses (the dead in Christ) before it was taken away and hidden by God (Deut. 34:6).
25. Rev. 4:1-2. John (manchild) saw heaven opened, and heard a voice that sounded like a trumpet that said, "Come up hither."
 The Rapture Distinguished From The Second Coming
The Rapture
1.) Present in air. 1 Thess.4:17;2 Thess.2:1.
2.) People go to Christ. 2 Thess.2:1; 1 Thess.4:17.
3.) Comes for His saints. 1 Thess.4:15-17; 2 Thess.2:1,2; John 14:3; Col.3:4.
4.) Expectation and joy. John 16:20-22; 2 Tim.4:8; Isa.66:5; 1 Thess.2:19; Titus 2:13.
5.) Redeems His people. Luke 21:28; Titus 2:13,14 Rom.8:23; Rev.12:10.
6.) World continues unchanged. Matt.24:36-39; 1 Cor.15:51,52; 2 Peter 3:3,4; Luke 17:26-37.
7.) Dead in Christ rise. 1 Thess.4:16; 1 Cor.15:52; Phil.3:11.
8.) Antichrist is in full power after. 2 Thess.2:8; Rev.13:1; Rev.13:3-6.
9.) War and death start after. Rev.6:1-8; Rev.12:17; Rev.13:7; Luke 21:28.
10.) Not know day or hour. Matt.24:36,42; 25:13; Luke12:46.
11.) Tribulation and death for saints after. Rev.12:13; Rev.6:11; Rev.13:7; 11:7.
12.) World government comes to power after. Rev.13:1,3,4,7,12; Rev.17:7-13.
13.) Results in saints and Christ in air. 1 Thess.4:17; 2 Thess.2:1.
14.) Takes world by surprise. 1 Thess.5:2; Matt.24:36-41; Luke 12:46.
15.) Christ comes to save. 1 Thess.5:9; Luke 21:36;Rev.3:10; 12:5.
16.) Saints cry for Him to come. Luke 21:28; Luke 18:7.
17.) Saints know His intent is love. John 14:1-3; Heb.9:28; Jas.5:7; 1 Peter 1:13.
18.) To complete covenant with church. Isa.59:21; Rev.3:10;12:5; Heb.11:35.
19.) Resurrection to life and glory. 1 Thess.4:16,17; John 14:2-4; Col.3:4; 1 Cor.15:22,23.
20.) Governs in heaven after. Rev.21:1-8; 20:4.
21.) Happens to spiritual Israel. Gal.6:16; Rom.9:6; 1 Thess.4:16,17; Rev.12:5;3:10.
22.) No kingdom set up. Rev.6:11; Rev.12:6.
23.) Millennium still years away. Rev.13:5,14; Rev.12:14.
24.) Occurs all over the globe. Matt.24:40,41; Luke 17:34-36.
25.) Before tribulation, plagues, and wrath. Rev.3:10; Rev.12:5-17; Isa.26:20; Luke 21:28,36.
26.) Only involves the saved. 1 Thess.4:14; Phil.3:11.
27.) Satan cast to the earth. Rev.12:9; Luke 10:18.
28.) Sequence of Rapture events. Rev.12:1-5; 2 Thess.2:1-8.
The Second Coming
1.) Present on earth. Zec.14:4; Acts 1:11; Rev.19:11-15.
2.) Christ comes to people. Matt.24:30; Luke 21:27; Titus 2:13 Zec.14:2-4.
3.) Comes with His saints. Zec.14:5; Jude 14; Rev.19:14; Rev.1:7.
4.) Mourning and wailing. Zec.12:10-12; Matt.24:30; Rev.1:7; Rev.18:9,11,19.
5.) Judges the unregenerate people. Jude 15; Rev.19:11,15.
6.) Word changed drastically. Rev.16:18-21; Zec.14; Matt.24:21,22; Luke 21:25.
7.) No one rises. Jude 14; Rev.19:11-15; Rev.1:7; Rev.20:5.
8.) Antichrist destroyed after. 2 Thess.2:8; Rev.19:20.
9.) War ended after. Rev.19:19,20; Zec.9:10; Mic.4:3.
10.) Know exact time. Zec.14:1-5; Mark 13:33; Rev.11:14-19; Dan.12:12.
11.) Glory and Millennium for saints after. Rev.20:4; Rev.21:10,11; Isa.62:1-4; 60:15-21.
12.) World government loses power after. 2 Thess.2:8; Rev.17:14; 19:15.
13.) Results in saints and Christ on earth. Zec.14:5; Jude 14,15; Matt.24:30.
14.) World expects judgment. Rev.1:7; Rev.6:15-17.
15.) Christ comes to judge. Matt.25:31,32; Jude 14,15; Rev.19:11.
16.) Sinners cry for Him not to come. Rev.1:7; Rev.6:16; Luke 21:26.
17.) Sinners know His intent is judgment. Isa.33:14; Matt.24:30; Rev.1:7; Mark 8:38.
18.) To complete covenant with Israel. Heb.11:26,27; Isa.60:1-24; Jer.31:31-34.
19.) Many die at Armageddon. Zec.13:8; Eze.39:14; Rev.19:15,19-21.
20.) Governs on earth after. Rev.21:1-8; Rev.20:4.
21.) Happens to national Israel. Rom.11:26; Zec.12:9,10; Eze.39:1-29.
22.) Millennial kingdom set up. Zec.14; Dan.7:13,14; Isa.2:4;9:7; Luke 21:31.
23.) Millennium begins immediately. Zec.13:1,2; Matt.24:30; Rev.20:4.
24. Occurs in Palestine only. Joel 3:2; Zec.14:2,4.
25.) After tribulation, plagues, and wrath. Mark 13:24,25; Rev.20:1-3.
26.) Involves both saved and unsaved. Rev.20:4,12,13; Matt.25:31,32.
27.) Satan removed from the earth. Rev.19:20;20:3,10.
28.) Sequence of Second Coming events. Luke 21:25-27; Zec.14:1-11; Matt.24:15- 28; Rev.19 and 20.