Water Baptism
(Student's Work Sheet)
A. Why do we need to study baptism?
Read 2 Timothy 2:15:
Why is it necessary to study the Scriptures at all?
Read John 14:15:
If we love Jesus, we will .
(Also, read Luke 6:46 and 1 John 5:1-3.)
Read Acts 5:29:
Peter and the apostles knew that we ought to .
Read Matthew 15:3,7-9 with Galatians 1:7-10 and Romans 3:3,4:
Should we follow man's religious traditions if they are not in line with the Word of God?
According to the above Scripture in Galatians (especially Gal.1:7), what is the danger of blindly following the doctrines, theologies, and teachings of man?
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:21:
Because there are many that would misrepresent or pervert the gospel of Christ, we need to
Conclusion: Scripture teaches us to study the Bible so we may learn and obey the commandments of God. Regardless of how ancient or sacred, we are not to follow any commandments, traditions, or doctrines of man that are inconsistent with the teachings of the Word of God.
B. What does the word baptism mean?
The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptizo, which means "immersion" or "to immerse." Baptizo is a form of the Greek root bapto; literally, to "dip" or "plunge under." The use of the word baptism in the King James Version and other English translations is a transliteration, rather than a translation, of the Greek into English. (A transliteration is the forming, or developing, of a new word into one's native language, using the equivalent letters and vowel sounds of a word from a foreign language. Thus, baptism derives from baptizo.) Consequently, much confusion and false doctrine regarding the rite of water baptism has arisen. According to the original Greek, it is evident that where the words baptism and baptize are used in the English, the more proper and accurate translations would be "immersion" and "immerse," respectively. In no case is either of the above words used as a translation of the Greek word rhantizo (used in Heb.9:19), which means "to sprinkle."
The Greek word baptizo literally means .
The use of the words baptism and baptize in the English are translations/transliterations (circle one) of the original Greek.
Thus, the words baptism and baptize actually mean and , respectively.
According to the Greek, to baptize does/does not (circle one) mean "to sprinkle."
C. How should baptism be administered?
Read Matthew 3:6,16 with Mark 1:5,8-10:
According to these passages, Jesus was immersed/sprinkled (circle one).
Likewise, in Acts 8:36-38, the Ethiopian eunuch was immersed/sprinkled (circle one).
(Note: Since, according to the above Scriptures both Jesus and the eunuch came up out of the water after baptism, it is evident that both must have first been immersed.)
Read John 3:23:
Why was John baptizing in Aenon?
(Note: In order to baptize properly, one needs at least enough water in which to immerse a new convert. A small bowl of water [ from which one sprinkles] is not sufficient.)
Read Romans 6:3-6 with Colossians 2:12:
Baptism typifies (or is symbolic of) Jesus' .
We need to be immersed (buried) in the water and brought back up (resurrected) in order to fulfill this type.
(Note: We bury the old "flesh man" [sinful, dead flesh] in baptism, and arise a new man, dead to sin!)
Read 1 Corinthians 10:1,2:
Moses leading the nation of Israel through the Red Sea is a type, or foreshadow, of
Conclusion: Baptism is properly administered by in water.
D. Why should we be baptized?
(Note: After reading the Scriptures, fill in the corresponding blanks.)
Read Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 10:48:
(Note: Remember from John 14:15 that we are to obey the commandments of Jesus. Likewise, the apostles should be obeyed, because all Scripture is inspired by God. See 2 Timothy 3:16.)
Read Acts 2:38; 22:16; Luke 1:76-79; 24:47:
(Note: Remission means "dismissal" or "release" from sins, through the grace of God. When saved and baptized, we no longer need to account for our sins before God, as our sins are washed away!)
Read Mark 16:16 with 1 Peter 3:21:
Reread 1 Peter 3:21 (note the words in parentheses):
(Note: Again, because of the King James Version translation of the Greek, some confusion may arise as to the interpretation of this Scripture. The Greek word translated here is eperotema, which literally means "inquiry" or "appeal," as in legal matters. We are baptized before the Almighty Judge of heaven and earth as an appeal for, or inquiry towards, a good conscience before God.)
Read Romans 6:3-11 with Colossians 2:12:
When we are baptized in water, we and arise .
(Note: We demonstrate to the congregation (the body of Christ), friends, and relatives that we desire to serve Christ totally and wish to be identified with Him through baptism.)
When we become joined to Christ, we become a part of the body of Christ.
See 1 Corinthians 1:13-18 and Galatians 3:27.
(Note: We "put on Christ," becoming members of the Body of Christ through baptism. We do not become baptized into a particular church, denomination, or congregation.)
E. When should we be baptized?
Read Acts 3:19 with Acts 2:38:
According to these two Scriptures, when should one be baptized?
Read Acts 8:12:
When were the Samaritans baptized? .
Read Acts 9:17,18 with Acts 22:13-16:
When was Saul (Paul) baptized?
(Note: Saul's mighty conversion on the road to Damascus is found in Acts 9:3-8, in case you're not familiar with this portion of Scripture.)
Read Acts 10:43-48:
When was the Gentile Cornelius (with his family and servants) baptized?
(Note: Reading earlier in the chapter, we see that Peter was preaching the Gospel to the Gentile Cornelius and his house. [See Acts 10:38,43]. Peter knew that they were converted when they were filled with the Holy Spirit; he then commanded them to be baptized.) Although the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the sign of conversion, only people who have been converted, or "saved," become "Spirit-filled."
Conclusion: When should every newly-born Christian be baptized?
F. Into whose name should we be baptized?
Read Matthew 28:19:
How many names did Jesus tell his disciples to baptize in (be careful here)?
Does this Scripture indicate what this name (these names) is (are)?
(Note: The word "name" is clearly singular; the words "Father," "Son," and "Holy Ghost" are titles, rather than names. To give an example, suppose we have two men, Bill and John. Bill is John's father; John is, therefore, Bill's son. People do not call Bill "father," as there are many fathers in the world. This leaves us with the question, "What is the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?" The answer to this will be presented in the remainder of this section.)
Into what name did the apostles baptize?
In Acts 2:38?
In Acts 8:16?
In Acts 10:47,48?
(Note: In Acts 10:48 the original Greek here has "Jesus Christ," instead of "the Lord," as in the King James Version.)
Acts 19:3-5?
(Note: These people had already been baptized for the remission of sins by John [ "John's baptism"] yet the apostle Paul insisted that they be baptized over again in the name of Jesus Christ!)
Conclusion: Into what name did the apostles baptize?
Read Galatians 3:27; Romans 6:3; and 1 Corinthians 1:13-18:
Into whose name does the apostle Paul state that we are baptized?
From above, is it clear what the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in Matthew 28:19 is?
It is important to realize that Matthew 28:19 is a commission to teach all nations, baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This is not a formula; it is the granting of authority to perform a task. It is a commission to use one name, which the apostles obeyed by baptizing converts in the name of Jesus.
Read Colossians 3:17:
We are to do things in the name of Jesus Christ. Does this include baptism?
G. It is necessary for all new converts to be baptized
To "baptize" means to . Therefore, baptism should be done by in . Baptism is a type of Jesus' and , therefore when we are baptized we and rise to walk in .
When should we undergo baptism? .
H. The Bible gives reasons for baptism
Mark 16:16 Believe and be baptized, and you will be saved.
John 3:3-5 Unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Acts 2:38 Be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 22:16).
Acts 10:48 Peter commanded them to be baptized (John 14:15).
Romans 6:3-11 Being buried with Him in baptism, we walk in newness of life.
Gal. 3:27 For as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
1 Peter 3:21 Baptism is the answer of or for a good conscience.
I. People should be baptized after conversion
Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized.
Acts 8:12 When the Samaritans believed, they were baptized.
Acts 9:17,18 After Saul was converted, he was baptized.
Acts 19:5 The Ephesians were believers before they were baptized.
J. Infants should not be baptized
Sprinkling is an improper method (Rhantizo is the Greek word for "sprinkle," Hebrews 9:19).
Infants cannot express faith or repent of sins.
Infants cannot give an answer for a good conscience (1 Peter 3:21).
Infants have not sinned (Acts 2:38; Romans 5:13; 1 Corinthians 7:14; 1 John 3:4).
Infants are not converted from an old life to a new life (Romans 6:2-6).
Matthew 15:3-9 We are not to follow man's tradition (Romans 3:3; Acts 5:29).
Acts 16:31-34 The baptized household is not proof, because all believed and rejoiced, indicating no infants participated.
Col. 2:11,12 Circumcision (baptism) at eight days is not proof, because it is typo logical and involves only males.