The Baptism In The Holy Spirit
{Student's Work Sheet}
A.) The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the LORD, and the Spirit of God are the same/different (circle one).
It is very important to realize here that the Holy Spirit is not a name, but rather a title referring to the Spirit of God, or God's Spirit.
B.) Read Matthew 3:11-17:
Who is, "He that shall baptize in the Holy Ghost"?
C.) Read John 7:37-39:
In John 7:38, what does the phrase "rivers of living water" refer to?
According to this section of Scripture, why was the Holy Spirit not yet given?
To what does Jesus' glorification refer, His resurrection or His ascension?
See John 16:7.
D.) Read John 14:16-18,26 with John 15:26 and John 16:7,13:
In these Scriptures, Jesus reveals the coming of the Comforter.
In John 14:17, what is the Comforter called?
Who is the Comforter, according to John 14:26?
The Comforter, Spirit of truth, and Holy Ghost are the same/different (circle one).
According to John 16:7, could the Comforter (Holy Spirit) come if Jesus did not go away?
Is this consistent with Jesus' teaching in John 7:37-39?
Therefore, we see that believers could/could not (circle one) receive the Holy Spirit until after Jesus' ascension.
E.) Read Luke 24:49 with Acts 1:4,5,8:
What were the disciples commanded to wait for?
What is the promise of the Father?
Why were the disciples commanded to wait for the promise of the Father?
One of the reasons we know that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is for us today is because the early disciples were not Jesus' witnesses to the "uttermost part of the earth." However, today His disciples are spreading the Gospel across the world and need the power of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
F.) The day of Pentecost.
Read Acts 1:12-15; 2:1-18:
Where were the disciples gathered together (Acts 1:12,13)?
How many were there (Acts 1:15)?
What happened when the disciples were "filled" with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)?
Some people reason that tongues here were given to bridge a language barrier. This is not the case, however, as devout Jews all knew the Aramaic language* of their homeland and did not require a divine, universal language to communicate. (Notice that Peter preached to the Jews that assembled from many nations--in Aramaic, of course. The visiting Jews were bi-lingual--that is, they knew Aramaic and the languages of the individual lands they lived in.) Instead, as in 1 Corinthians 14:22, the tongues were a sign manifested by the disciples to the unbelieving Jews.
Read Acts 2:38,39:
Is the "gift" of the Holy Spirit for all believers, past, present, and future?
Is the "gift of the Holy Spirit" for us today?
Is the Holy Spirit for you?
G.) Other Scriptural accounts of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Read Acts 8:16,17; Acts 10:44-48 with Acts 11:15-18:
Why were Peter and "they of the circumcision" (i.e. the Jewish disciples) astonished?
How did Peter and the others with him know that the Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit?
Was this the same "gift" that Peter and the 120 received on the day of Pentecost?
* Aramaic language--The Jews came back from their exile in Babylon with a Babylonish-Hebrew mixture: Aramaic (or Chaldean mixed with Hebrew).
Read Acts 19:1-7:
What happened when Paul laid hands on the Ephesians here?
Does there appear to be any difference between "receiving the Holy Spirit," being "baptized in the Holy Spirit," being "filled with the Holy Spirit," and receiving the "gift of the Holy Spirit"?
If so, what is the difference?
What is the sign that one has been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6)?
Did Jesus tell us this would happen (Mark 16:17)?
H.) Why do we speak in tongues?
1 Corinthians 14:4:
1 Corinthians 14:22:
1 Corinthians 14:21 with Isaiah 28:11,12:
Matthew 11:28-30; and Hebrews 4:8-11:
Romans 8:26,27:
(Note: The proper English translation of the Greek is "for," not "with." Greek grammar will support either, but the context demands "for.")
James 3:1-8:
1 Corinthians 14:2:
I.) The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for all believers today, as seen in Acts 1:4-8; Acts 2:38,39; Mark 16:17.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is for you!
We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit in John 20:22 and Ephesians 5:18.
We are to pray regularly in the Spirit (pray in tongues), as seen in John 4:23,24; 1 Corinthians 14:14,15,18,39; and Jude 20.
J.) Read Luke 11:1-13.
Keep seeking.
If one asks for the Holy Spirit, he will not get a devil.
Confusion Over Terminology
1.) It should be obvious from the Scripture by now that being born again is a different experience than being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
2.) Because of confusion over terminology, two Christian camps have arisen. Those born again and those also speaking in tongues.
3.) Born again Christians resent comments that they are not filled with God's Spirit unless they speak in tongues because when they invited Jesus into their lives, He came in to sup with them, their spirit bearing witness that they are sons of God. And they are the sons of God, but there is more.
4.) On the other hand, those speaking in tongues know it is a separate experience from being born again. Their testimony is often unnecessarily rejected by born again Christians simply because of their poor choice of words or lack of knowledge in the Scriptures.
5.) The following brief explanation should help clear up the confusion. God is a Spirit....and we can only worship (commune) with Him in spirit and truth (Jn.4:24). God gives all babies an eternal spirit after His own image. Therefore, every person has a God consciousness which causes them to seek Him as they mature. God has never desired anyone to be separated from His presence. So, He requires that all repent and return to Him seeing that they have gone astray and fallen short of the glory God intended. Because of Christ's work on Calvary, New Testament saints become born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. However, they debate among themselves as to which of these experiences it was when God actually took up residence in them. In retrospect, Old Testament prophets, not experiencing either of these, still had God's Spirit move upon them in a way that should provoke most New Testament saints to envy. Did they spend hours discussing whether God's Spirit was over, under, in, around or through them? No! God was there contacting their spirit, according to their faith, being all that they needed Him to be. Therefore, if Jesus said we must be born again to get into the kingdom (Jn.3:3), and believers shall speak with new tongues (Mk.16:17), then both are true. It is not a matter of receiving some brand new spirit in each case, but your eternal spirit contacting God's Spirit in separate experiences according to your faith in the promises given in His Word. If you have been born again, that does not mean that you cannot experience or benefit from the baptism in the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues. The most important issue is not whether God's Spirit comes in and remains when you are born again or when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit. When you can clearly see from Scripture that they are two separated experiences, don't let a difference of opinion over terminology rob you of receiving both. Millions upon millions of Christians today speak in tongues. Remember, the person who has the experience is not at the mercy of the one who only has the argument. These things were prophesied of old and are being fulfilled by believers in the church. Take Isaiah's admonition and receive all God has for you, lest you also be numbered among those who would not hear because of unpersuadibleness (Isa.28:12).
Harmonizing 1 Corinthians 12,13,14 with Acts
1.) 12:1 states that Paul would not have Christians to be ignorant about spiritual gifts. Many members of the body of Christ are, however, God does not want this.
2.) 14:1,12 and 12:21 says desire spiritual gifts, but many do not. God would rather that we did desire them. We are still to follow after love when we have spiritual gifts. Gifts are a vehicle in which God can manifest His love through us.
3.) 1 Cor.12-14 should not be considered chapters in systematic theology which give a topical explanation about each aspect of the gifts of the Spirit.
4.) They can only be interpreted in the context with which they are written. Chapter 1, verse 10 and 11 tells us it had been declared unto Paul that they were not all speaking the same things (plural), which was the reason for his letter and concern. 7:1 adds; concerning the things you wrote unto me, then he addresses marriage. 1 Cor.14 later is qualifying the misuse, not the abstinence or obsolescence of gifts.
5.) Chapters 12-14 are to eliminate the Corinthian's ignorance and set the proper balance for the use of the gifts of the Spirit. The interpretation of these chapters for the Corinthians awaiting Paul's answer was undoubtedly much different than those today who don't know what questions the Corinthians asked of Paul.
6.) Therefore, those twisting the scriptures so they do not balance with the tenor of Scripture (even though they are sometimes hard to be understood) are unlearned and unstable, wrestling them to their own destruction (2 Pet.3:6). God's Word is recorded line upon line, here a little and there a little that those who do not desire the love of the truth might fall backward and be broken, snared and taken (Isa.28:13). This is a sober warning.
7.) The context in which chapter 14 is set is that the Corinthians were desiring spiritual gifts, which was admirable (v.1,12); but the problem existed that they were misusing them by practices which were not edifying (v.3-6,9,11,12,14,16, 17,19,26) when the church (believers) assembles (v.4,5,12,19,23,26,28).
8.) Paul wanted all to speak with tongues (14:5) but not to disrupt the service during teaching and testimony which was for the edification of all (v.23).
9.) This does not mean that members cannot speak in tongues before or after service since it is edifying to themselves (14:4,18,39).
10.) A tongues is to be given during service only when God is anointing specifically for that purpose. That tongue must be interpreted for the edification of all. If there is no interpretation after three tongues, the service is to be continued (14:5,27).
11.) The tongues before interpretation serves as a sign of the supernatural to the unbeliever (14:22); not to the believer since he already should speak in tongues (Mk.16:17; Acts 2:39).
12.) All things when assembled are to be done to edify the whole (14:26).
13.) This means the pastor can allow everyone to sing in the spirit and worship the Lord during the scheduled part of a service since all would be edified. God dwells in the praises of His saints.
14.) Concerning the fallacy that prophecy is greater than tongues includes except the tongues be interpreted so the church can receive edification or tongues accompanied by interpretation is equal to prophecy (1 Cor.14:5). The interpretation would be parallel to the prophecy except it is always preceded by a message in tongues. Therefore, a message in tongues by itself is inferior only in the context of being assembled together when edification is the issue.
15.) The above has nothing to do with private prayer, which edifies personally (14:4). Praying in the Spirit (14:14) is how we build up our most holy faith (Jude 20). We all need this and it is not to be compared with giving a tongue or prophecy in church when all are assembled together.
16.) Although Paul would rather speak five words in English than 10,000 in tongues during the church service (14:19), he actually thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all the Corinthians (14:18) who were misusing the gift (14:23). These verses all have to be harmonized. The problem then was not the amount they prayed in tongues but when. Before and after service is fine, but during service must be qualified by order and edification. If all take time to praise then all are edified. If God wants to support the sermon or a testimony through a tongue and interpretation or prophecy, He has every right to do so. He will not anoint everyone who speaks in tongues to bring this forth in church but only certain individuals (1 Cor.12:11,30). If an anointing comes on someone to give a message in tongues, it must be interpreted (14:27) before the congregation can receive understanding (14:5). When the anointing comes, the message may be brought forth at will (14:32). Therefore, the speaker must be sensitive and wait until the appropriate time. Lack of experience causes disorder. That is why God ordained oversight so the spiritual may judge and correct (14:29). People can make things up, but just because there is counterfeit, that doesn't mean to eliminate the real.
17.) This brings us to the real problem. If those in oversight have no experience in the moving of God's gifts in the church, they will be reluctant to allow them since they are incapable to judge. Therefore, they usually forbid them and try to wrestle these Scriptures to show spiritual gifts are phony, dangerous, outdated or non-Scriptural; but you cannot harmonize the Scriptures from any one of these positions. If God gave them, we need them, and the gap in the church is widening between those who use them and those who do not. We are commanded to desire gifts (14:1) and it takes time to seek to excel in their use (14:12), so it is important to make a decision in this area of your Christian walk.
18.) Many allege that the gifts passed away with the completion of the New Testament, claiming Scripture is the fulfillment of "that which is perfect is come" (1 Cor.13:10). To them this is the most convenient way to harmonize these chapters since they simply would not apply to the church today. Again, this interpretation does not harmonize with this or other passages. The context also tells us that knowledge would also have to have passed away when the New Testament canon was complete, which is foolish theology.
Eph.4:11-16 shows that these things were provided for the perfecting of the saints until the church comes into its fullness in Christ speaking the same things in love. This has not been fulfilled. Acts 1:8 says the power of the Holy Ghost was given for witnessing until the gospel was preached to the ends of the earth. We have not yet fulfilled the Great Commission. According to Mark 16:17, certain signs were supposed to follow believers in Christ, not just apostles. Verse 20 shows Jesus was confirming the Word wherever it was preached with these signs. Nowhere does the Bible say they have ceased.
Interchangeable Terms Referring To Baptism in The Holy Spirit
1.) "Receive"-- John 7:39;20:22; Acts 2:38;8:15,17,19;10:47;19:2
2.) "Came upon"-- "fell on"-- Acts 10:44;11:15;19:6
3.) "Baptized with"-- Matt.3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5;11:16
4.) "Filled with"-- "full of"-- Acts 2:4;4:8,31;6:3;7:55;9:17;11:24;13:9,52; Eph.5:18
5.) "Give"-- Luke 11:13; Acts 5:32;15:8; Rom.5:5; 1 Thess.4:8
6.) "Promise of the Father"-- Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4 (Acts 2:38,39)
7.) "Pour out" (shed forth)-- Acts 2:17,18 (Joel 2:28), Acts 2:33;10:45;2:4
Historic Effects of Baptism in The Holy Spirit
1.) Spoke the Word with boldness-- Acts 4:31
2.) Faith and power-- Acts 6:5,8
3.) Signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of the Holy Spirit-- Mark 16:17; 1 Cor.12; Hebrews 2:4
4.) Tongues, revelation, prophecy-- 1 Cor.14:18(15);14:26,29
Fruit of The Spirit Gal. 5:22
Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance.
JUDE 20-- pray in the Holy Spirit
EPH.6:18-- praying always, with all prayer and petition, IN THE SPIRIT.
1 Cor.14:14-- for if I pray in a tongue, my SPIRIT prays
1 Cor.14:39-- forbid not to speak with tongues.
Purpose of Baptism in The Holy Spirit
1.) A command-- Eph.5:18,19; John 20:22
2.) Sign of receiving the Holy Spirit-- Acts 10:44,46,47 (Acts 2:4;19:6); Mark 16:15-17; 1 Cor.14:21; Acts 8:17,18 (saw this sign); fulfilled prophecy Joel 2:28,29;Acts 2:4,17
3.) Power to witness-- Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8;4:13,33; Rom.15:13,19; Eph.3:16
4.) Victory over flesh and sin-- Gal.5:16-24
5.) Holy Spirit teaches-- John 14:26;16:23; 1 Cor.2:13,14; Heb.9:8; 1 Pet.1:12,22 1 John 2:27
6.) Guides-- Acts 8:29;10:19,20;11:28;13:2;16:6,7;20:23;21:4; Gal.5:18
7.) Convicts-- John 16:7,8
8.) Reveals-- John 16:13; Acts 15:28;21:22; 1 Cor.12:3
9.) Seals-- Eph.4:30
10.) Calls to the ministry-- Acts 13:2,4;20:28; Rom.15:16 (sanctified means to be set apart)
11.) Represents-- Luke 12:2
12.) Gives peace and joy-- Rom.14:17;15:13; 1 Thess.1:6
13.) Given to the obedient-- Acts 5:32
14.) Gives utterance in other tongues-- Acts 2:4; 1 Cor.14:2
15.) Comforts-- Acts 9:31 (John 14:16,18,26;15:26)
16.) Intercedes-- Rom.8:26,27
17.) Fellowships (communes) with us-- 2 Cor.13:14; Heb.6:4 (partakers = partners)
18.) Dwells in us-- 2 Tim.1:14; James 4:5
19.) Renews us-- Titus 3:5
20.) Is a witness to us-- Heb.10:15
21.) Anoints-- 2 Peter 1:21
22.) Admonishes-- Heb.3:7-12
23.) A sign-- Acts 10:44-47 (Acts 2:4;19:6)
24.) Gives rest-- Matt.11:28; Heb.4:8-11; Gal.5:16,17; Isa.28:11,12 (1 Cor.14:21,22); Psa.132:13,14
25.) Gift from God-- Acts 8:20
How to Receive The Holy Spirit
1.) Acknowledge that this experience is:
A.) Biblical-- Matt.3:11; Luke 11:13; John 14:26; Acts 1:4-8; 2:4; 8:17; 10:46;19:6.
B. Necessary (commanded)-- Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8; Eph.5:18.
C. For believers today-- Mark 16:17; Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4 with vv. 16-18; 2:38,39.
D. Not automatically received at conversion-- Luke 11:13; Acts 1:5; 8:12, 14-17; 19:6.
E. Evidenced by tongues-- Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6; Mark 16:17; Isaiah 28:11 with
1 Corinthians 14:21.
F. Beneficial-- Romans 8:26,27; 1 Corinthians 14:2,4,5,18,22.
G. Not to be disdained-- Mark 16:17; 1 Corinthians 12:7,10; 14:39.
2.) Surrender your whole heart to God, desiring to live righteously-- Matt.5:6.
3.) Ask:
* Luke 11:9,13 "Keep asking" (lit. Greek).
* James 4:2 "You have not because you ask not..."
* Acts 1:14 "These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication....."
4.) Believe-- Mark 16:17; Luke 11:10-13; Acts 2:38,39.
5.) Do not seek tongues or an experience; seek God, but be willing to speak in other tongues.
6.) Do not attempt to manipulate God or copy a mechanical technique; simply worship God and offer your all to Him.
7.) Do not try to become holy enough to earn the Holy Spirit; it is a gift of which you are always unworthy.
8.) Do not attempt to work up emotion or hold down emotion-- yielding is a passive surrender to the will of another. Many Christians who tarry for the Holy Ghost receive after they quit trying (or in other cases, quit resisting and fearing) and open up their hearts and souls in adoration to Jesus, desiring to be entirely possessed of Him.
9.) Realize that you do not have to seek or pray for a certain protracted period of time in order to be eligible to receive-- Acts 10:44; 19:6. But also realize that you can not force God to give you the Holy Spirit just by trying to talk gibberish. Neither are you necessarily ready and yielded the moment you first ask. "Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking," Jesus admonished (Luke 11:9-13). "He who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled (Matt.5:6)."
10.) Realize that yielding wholly to God includes and involves the tongue also.
11.) Recognize that you will speak in tongues but the Holy Spirit will supply the utterance (Acts 2:4). Although you will voluntarily do the speaking, you will not need to think of what to say. The Holy Spirit will fill your mouth as you exert the faith to speak. Nevertheless, you will be voluntarily using your lungs, your mouth, your vocal cords, and your will--the Holy Spirit will only supply the utterance and the unction (anointing).
12.) Realize that this promise of the Father is for you! (Acts 2:38,39; Mark 16:17; Ephesians 5:18). Do not become discouraged if you do not receive right away. (Luke 11:9-13). God knows when you are ready to receive. Even though the Holy Spirit is a free gift, God does not "put new wine into old bottles," (Matt. 9:17) so to speak. Time spent in soul searching, deepening one's dedication, and waiting upon God to cleanse the heart and implant a hunger for Him is time well spent.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a promise-- move in to possess it with faith and humility. Do not slacken or give up until it is yours! And let no man dissuade you. "... let God be true, but every man a liar," if need be (Rom.3:4). God bless you!